Hana Ayala, “The Transnational Frontier of Resort Master Plans: A Gateway to Borderless Legacies for the Environment and Humanity”
Frontiers in Environmental Economics, 2024.
Hana Ayala, “Para beneficio del mundo”: Emparejando el Canal de Panamá con canales de conocimiento de valor transcendental para la nación y la humanidad
Journal DELIBERAR, La guerra del coronavirus, June 24, 2021.
Hana Ayala, “Transnational Resort: a Transformative Investment in the Global Knowledge Economy”
Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 2020. DOI: 10.1007/s13132-019-00621-4.
Hana Ayala: Sním o propojení vily Tugendhat s Independence Hall
Ája Bufka, “Hana Ayala: Sním o propojení vily Tugendhat s Independence Hall”
(Hana Ayala: I dream about interconnecting Villa Tugendhat with Independence Hall)
February 9, 2019 | Český rozhlas (Czech Radio)
Special Celebration Concert by the Pacific Symphony
Antonín Dvořák’s Symphony No. 9, “From the New World”
Video Tribute
“Bridges of Awakenings: From Czech Lands to America and Beyond”
Please also see:
100th Anniversary of the Founding of Czechoslovakia
September 24, 2018 | Joint Press Release by the Czech Consulate General in Los Angeles and Pangea World
Pacific Symphony Presents Special Celebration Concert Commemorating The 100th Anniversary Of The Founding Of Czechoslovakia
August 23, 2018 | Pacific Symphony
New Agreement to Usher in an Era of Transnational Cooperation Signed at Historically Significant Table where Peaceful Division of Czechoslovakia Formalized in 1992
June 15, 2017 | Holly Taylor / Rogers & Cowan
Hana Ayala, “The Economic Might of Earth’s Evolution: The Epic Promise of Knowledge”
SAGE Open, 2017. DOI: 10.1177/2158244017701975.
Pangea World unveils transnational model for science research and conservation: Nascent partnership could position UC Irvine as leader in science diplomacy
February 11, 2014 | Pangea World
February 11, 2014 | University of California, Irvine
OC Register Magazine
Terence Loose, “Paradise with a Purpose,” 28 October 2013
Absolventka hledá spojení vědy, byznysu a ochrany přírody
(Alumna seeks to connect science, business, and conservation of nature.)
August 7, 2013 | Masaryk University
Pangea World Unveils Sustainable Development Paradigm for Panama and the Pacific Region
January 20, 2012 | Pangea World
Pacific Leaders Support Program Creating Sustainable Wealth by Preserving Natural Resources
September 20, 2010 | Embassy of the Republic of the Fiji Islands
Poor in Dollars, Rich in Biodiversity:
Using Luxury Tourism and Science to Rethink the Potential of Knowledge Economy
September 13, 2010 | Pangea World
The Orange County Register
Pat Brennan, “Ecological Riches, Economic Engines: Linking Tourism and Science,” 11 May 2009
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
John C. Avise, “Three Ambitious (and Rather Unorthodox) Assignments for the Field of Biodiversity Genetics,” Vol. 105, Suppl. 1, 12 August 2008

IOSTE Newsletter
Lee Yuen Yew, “Pangea World: Combining Tourism, Science and Environmental Education,” July 2007

The Orange County Register
Pat Brennan, “Eco-resort to Pamper Minds,” 4 April 2007

Jeff Weinstein, “New Soul of the Hotel Industry?” editor’s diary, December 2006

Karyn Strauss and Derek Gale, “The Growth of Green,” May 2006

Edward Lempinen, “Ayalas’ Passion for Knowledge Shines at AAAS Event,” 28 April 2006

The Orange County Register
Pat Brennan, “PANGEA Pragmatism,” 3 November 2005

Business Panama
Hana Ayala, “Strategic Synergies: Panama to Showcase a New Trade and Investment Paradigm for the World’s Knowledge-Economy,” August 2004
Hana Ayala, “A Strategic Leadership Vision for Panama – an Original Strategy,” May 2004

Digital Earth: Information Resources for Global Sustainability, Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Digital Earth
Hana Ayala, “The Art and Power of Welding Science and Heritage in a Knowledge Economy for the 21st Century,” Brno, Czech Republic: Masaryk University, 2003

GIM International—The Worldwide Magazine for Geomatics
Jacques Sipkes, “Information Resources for Global Sustainability: Third Digital Earth Symposium,” November 2003

Dr. Hana Ayala Honored with Gold Medal
September 18, 2003
Cornell Chronicle
“Notables,” 11 July 2002
The “TCR” Foundations 1993-2000
Representative Articles, by Hana Ayala, on the TCR Projects in Panama, Fiji, and the Pacific Island Region
“Surprising Partners: Hotel Firms and Scientists Working Together to Enhance Tourism,” Cornell Hotel & Restaurant Administration Quarterly (June 2000)

“Panama’s TCR Action Plan: Building Alliances for a Heritage-driven Economy,” Cornell Hotel & Restaurant Administration Quarterly (February 2000)

“Vaka Moana: A Road Map for the South Pacific Economy,” in A. Hooper, editor, Culture and Sustainable Development in the Pacific (Asia Pacific Press, 2000)

A Bridge to the Millennium: The Ideal and the Promise of a Heritage-driven Economy,” in TCR Strategic Alliance: Tourism-Conservation-Research (Washington, DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1999)

“Panama’s Ecotourism-Plus Initiative: The Challenge of Making History,” Cornell Hotel & Restaurant Administration Quarterly (October 1998)

“Resort Ecotourism: A Catalyst for National and Regional Partnerships,” Cornell Hotel & Restaurant Administration Quarterly (August 1997)

“The International Resort Industry, Heritage Conservation and Sustainable Development: Towards an Unprecedented Partnership,” Insula—International Journal of Island Affairs (September 1995)

“From Quality Product to Eco-product: Will Fiji set a Precedent?” Tourism Management (February 1995)

Examples of Media Coverage
Hotels (Griffin Miller, “Panama in Transition,” March 1999)

Science (Tiffany Ayers, “Panama Applies Science to Tourism and Conservation Efforts,” 28 May 1999)

Scientific American (Sasha Nemecek, “A Plan for Panama,” December 1999)

Architecture (Sara Hart, “Birdman of Panama,” April 1999)

Condé Nast Traveller UK (David D’Arcy, “Panama 2000,” December 1999

Civilization (Jeffrey Hogrefe, “Panama on Its Own,” December 1999/January 2000)

Salon Magazine (Colin Crawford, “Stop the Locks Schlock,” 5 October 1999)
Suddeutsche Zeitung, Munich (Barbara Liepert, “Panama, Was Nun?” and “Ein Mann Sieht Grun,” 21 December 1999)
La Prensa, Panama (Eva Aguilar and Abey Saied, “Cuando la Conservación Paga,” Martes Financiero, 25 May 2004; Diana Campos Candanedo, “TCI, Un Plan de Desarrollo Nacional,” and “Expertos Avalan el TCI,” 29 March 2004; Eva Aguilar, “Celebran Honores Otorgados a Modelo Económico Desarrollado en Panamá,” 30 October 2003; Eva Aguilar, “Hana Ayala, Premiada por Plan Turístico Panameño,” 20 October 2003; Eva Aguilar, “Hana Ayala y el TCI” and “Se Buscan Visionarios,” 12 March 2002; Alvaro Gonzáles Clare, “TCI,” 13 March 2000; Betty Brannan Jaén, “Una Propuesta Prometedora,” 26 July 1999; Eva Aguilar, “El Turismo Sabe a Futuro,” 3 February 1999; I. Roberto Eisenmann, Jr. “TCI: Otro Gran Salto,” 14 December 1998; Eva Aguilar, “Turismo de Alta Calidad para el Próximo Milenio,” 29 November 1998)

Fiji Times (“Make Fiji a Heritage Destination,” 23 April 2004 and “Cash Boost for Tourism,” 9 March 2001)
Fiji’s Daily Post (“Tourism Heritage, World’s First,” 9 March 2001)
Trade News, Fiji (“Ayala Maps the Future for Fiji and the Pacific,” June-July 1997)

The Review—The News & Business Magazine of Fiji (Christine Khan, “Marketing Fiji’s Ecological Theater,” July 1994)